Monday, January 3, 2011

news band

news band

news band
news band
news band
news band
news band
news band
news band
news band
news band
news band
news band
news band
news band
news band
news band
news band
news band
news band
news band
news band


  1. why the five pictures on the top of this page, the picture beetween the pictures of guys playing guitar and one guy knealing, the picture beetween the five guys and six guys(one is knealing), the five pictures beetween the eight asian guys and the five guys where johnny d is written, and the bottom four pictures arent loading even after i refreshed number of times?

    i know there is a japanese band named news but theres also another band named news on which there is a female singer and one of their song name is som en fange which i found from website then i came to shazam and found their youtube video 03:58 long live. apparently i found an article which said The Danish support song "Afrika" by Nanna Lüders was released in connection with the charity concert Rock for Afrika, which was held in Idrætsparken in Copenhagen on September 21, 1985. so one of their members name is nana luders?

  2. damn it i searched again and found out the shazam video is correct but the name of the video is wrong cause after putting som en fange in google translate it said its norwegian then i chose danish but both the english translation said meaning is as a prisoner. miss luders is a solo artist and she has worked with many artists that song was named afrika on 1985
